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Can you restrict "auto-load highlited clips" to a

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:02 pm
by davaughn
I just wanted to start off saying I got Ms. Pinky up and running last week and it is the SHIT. I've never touched turntables before I feel badass w/ all the effects you an put on your scratching.

Ok, my question is simple: In the main demo video- Ms Pinky Revised- you can specify a specific column only to use for scratch samples and then each time you click on a different clip in that column it switches sample. Awesome. On the new version, I have the "auto-load highlighted clips" toggle enabled and it switches great between clips, but I don't see how to restrict it to a certain column. Meaning, when I am using Max-4-Live patch and trigger the track I want to scratch over (which is in a seperate column from my scratch samples), that track is ALSO loaded into Ms. Pinky so I then have to go back and select the scratch clip to get back to it. Am I missing something here? Was the column-restriction feature removed?


Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:51 pm
by davaughn
double bump

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:32 pm
by dlpinkstah
Hey Sorry for the delay-- the short answer is "yes" you can restrict the auto-loading of a clip to a given column in your live session. But you will have to do some customization of the patch to get it to do that. I think it should be quite straightforward, and you'll learn a bit about M4L as you do it :wink:

Basically you'll need to add some way for you to specify which column you want to restrict to. Then you'll need to add some simple logic to the part of the patch which controls the auto-loading functionality so that it always opens only clips from your selected column. Hope that gives you enough to work with......... I'd also highly recommend that you take this request over to an M4L forum, or a Cycling-'74 forum where there are a lot more peeps :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:26 pm
by davaughn
that is AWESOME. Thanks very much... thought I was missing something. Friggen love Ms Pinky