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How can I get more Mspinky vinyl?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:21 am
by SD_BaLLaH
How can I order more Mspinky vinyls?

I am currently living in Japan, but when I moved here I couldnt bring my tables. I am goin to buy a new set of tables and I also need to more mspinky vinyls.

Replacement Vinyls

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:51 am
by dlpinkstah
If you're already a member of Ms Pinky's Fan Club (you've purchased at least 4 records for the $99.00 US Base Price), then you can order replacement vinyls for $10.00 US each. The way to do this is to just send an email to telling us how many records you want and what color(s) (pink, black, or half-black/half-pink) and where you want them sent to. We will then send you back an email telling you how much shipping costs will be. Finally, you'll need to send us payment for the replacements order via PayPal. Our PayPal account is <>. Hope this isn't too confusing...