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.bang - WTF - issues with mp3s not working

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:27 pm
by RegulatorJohnson

i have been using maxi and binky to some great success and fun. however when tryin to apply some of my MP3's to the pink i sometimes great an error message "bang" in maxi and "sorry cant open file" in binky. this seems to be random and frustrating. i have so many MP3's that re=ripping sounds like a lifetime project. i would like to know what can fix this other than converting all the broken ones to .aif then back to mp3. also this is a problem with exporting from garageband 3 into itunes, then into maxi or binnky. aif works fine. m4a doesnt work.. converting from mpa to mp3 creates non-working mp3.. but from garageband as "aif" to disk. then use itunes to make mp3 works fine..ok i can work around it for GB stuff.. but my existing mp3's are still fuct.

any ideas?




thanks for your time.

use iTunes "Convert Selection to mp3", and/or dele

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:06 pm
by dlpinkstah
Here's some info that may help:

And if the problem with the mp3 isn't that it contains artwork, then you can simply use the "Advanced ---> Convert Selection to MP3" feature in iTunes to re-save any troublesome mp3s into another mp3 file at the same bitrate. Ms Pinky software will almost always be able to handle any MP3 that was created by iTunes.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:31 pm
by RegulatorJohnson
initially i thought that it was the artwork making the problem but i have the issue with and without artwork and it works on mp3's that have and dont have the artwork. i have used one that works and added art to it and it still works in both binky and maxi.

i was using "Advanced ---> Convert Selection to MP3" to makes mp3's.

if i try to re-convert an existing mp3 ...nothing happens it still doesnt work.

if i export from garagaband "save to disk".. it makes an aif that converts fine with ituens.

if i "share with itunes" it makes an m4a file that if i convert to mp3 with itunes it doesnt work.

so it seems that it may be a deeper issue than just the art.

here is the error message in maxi

"Ô error :countryman.mp3: .wav or aiff. header not found, and failed to decode MP3!"

so ill continue digging and find a workaround.

thanks for your time.
