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Building a Pinkish Pluggo

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:44 pm
by gavspav
I've put in a minor addition to the Pinky Pluggo (in Max/MSP), to send out OSC data from within the plug in.

How do I export my Max patch successfully as a vst plugin? (I am on the Windows platform)

I understand that from the Max Envronment I must choose Build Collective/Application/Plug in but when the 'Collective Editor' appears I am lost.

Is there any documentation on this? I can't find it!

I've tried trial and error but when I load my plug in I get alot of error messages - no such object/ can't find file etc. Also the interface does not appear (just the max patch window) and the udpsend object is not recognized!

Help! Please! Thanks



Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:00 am
by dlpinkstah
There is some very useful documentation on how to save Max/MSP patches as VST plugins. It can be obtained by downloading the full documentation for Max/MSP from the downloads section. The file you'll need to read is "Max46Topics.pdf". The chapter on collectives is key.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:39 am
by gavspav
Thanks for that I didn't spot it.

Is the script for creating the PinkyPluggo.dll available?

That would certainly speed things up a bit.



EDIT**** I think I've done it just by including the folder with the js scripts in.
Seems to work on my laptop but not my desktop machine. On my desktop it throws error messages but then so does the original .dll

include the externals

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:32 pm
by dlpinkstah
In the build script for the plugin, you'll need to include these two externals

2) filename_unmangle

And of course, set toplevel patcher to MPTCFS_plugin.mxb

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:13 am
by gavspav
Thanks alot for that.

When I import the original Pinky Pluggo .dll (1.5 beta) into Live I get a message:

error:plugconfig: doesn't understand "package"

Is this important?


EDIT********Sorry for the crap post. Updating Max & Pluggo sorted this out*****