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How to Set up the pinky plugin & Ableton Live

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:05 pm
by mobius
Pinky VST setup
Drop the pinky plug in on an audio track in live. to gain vinyl control , 1st you need to enable it on the player make sure "vinyl control" is checked in the the pull down menu , then click the "more" button ,you need to select a mode (absolute or relative mode) , then you will so need to select the generation vinyl your using also in the "more" preference pane. Make sure the threshold , and cutoff slider to their center position.

live setup
you will need to go into live "preferences" click the audio tab , click "configure Inputs and outputs" and make sure you have enabled the input you are using for your turntable.
Then you will need to select those inputs , as the ins for the track the Pinky VST is on. If you don't see the I/O selection for the track in LIve , you will need to hit the button at the right of the live window to show "mixer ins & outs" Its a good idea to be playing the record now, so you can see which in has volume when you click the live ins pop up window for the audio track you plan to use. Once you have selected the correct input for the pinky VST , you will need to hit the monitor button for the track the VST is on, that should send signal to the pinky VST. And you should be seeing the signal in the pinky VST's "more" pane. Once you got all that working , just select an audio file , and press play on the pinky vst , you should be rocking..(':D')....Mobius Ray

Re: How to Set up the pinky plugin & Ableton Live

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:35 am
by JammyBStard
Edit: Sorry, re-posted this by accident!

mobius wrote:Pinky VST setup
Drop the pinky plug in on an audio track in live. to gain vinyl control , 1st you need to enable it on the player make sure "vinyl control" is checked in the the pull down menu , then click the "more" button ,you need to select a mode (absolute or relative mode) , then you will so need to select the generation vinyl your using also in the "more" preference pane. Make sure the threshold , and cutoff slider to their center position.

live setup
you will need to go into live "preferences" click the audio tab , click "configure Inputs and outputs" and make sure you have enabled the input you are using for your turntable.
Then you will need to select those inputs , as the ins for the track the Pinky VST is on. If you don't see the I/O selection for the track in LIve , you will need to hit the button at the right of the live window to show "mixer ins & outs" Its a good idea to be playing the record now, so you can see which in has volume when you click the live ins pop up window for the audio track you plan to use. Once you have selected the correct input for the pinky VST , you will need to hit the monitor button for the track the VST is on, that should send signal to the pinky VST. And you should be seeing the signal in the pinky VST's "more" pane. Once you got all that working , just select an audio file , and press play on the pinky vst , you should be rocking..(':D')....Mobius Ray