What's the best converter to use?

A Forum for topics relating to the soundcard/ audio converter that is used with MsPinky
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Joined:Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:00 am
What's the best converter to use?

Post by djnelson » Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:25 pm

I recently purchased Ms Pinky, and only some waveforms of Mp3s show up in the Maxi Patch. The VST seems to pick up more of them. Is this a bug in Maxi Patch or know issue that only certain conversions will create a wave form?

I haven't messed around between the two as much to compare exact differences but the VST seems to create waveforms for all the mp3s I tried out.

I haven't found a recommended converter yet on the site or in the forums.

Thanks in advance.
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Joined:Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:17 pm

Post by dlpinkstah » Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:37 pm

This page on the site contains a list of recommended audio converters for use with Ms Pinky. Carefully study the slideshow...

http://www.mspinky.com/setup_slideshow/ ... Setup.html

And as far as MP3's that won't load properly and/or display waveform, Please make sure that none of them contain embedded artwork. If removing the embedded artwork doesn't work, try re-encoding using iTunes.
Joined:Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:00 am

Post by djnelson » Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:22 am

Further inspection of Maxi-Patch and testing I found "Batch Waveform Calculation". This did the trick for getting a waveform for most files.

But I've encountered another problem where some files won't play even if I do encode with iTunes. I get the following error in the Max Runtime Screen:

Code: Select all

02 You See Me.mp3: .WAV or .AIFF header not found, and failed to decode MP3!
I messed around with this file in Audacity and found that exporting to MP3(converting with LAME) or WAV worked well. Batch Mp3 waveform worked for both as well. A bit of a pain to convert with audacity as you can only do one at a time. Looking into some batch converters.

Any suggestions welcome please :D

DJ Nelson
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