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absolute mode

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:26 am
by tiago23
Does anyone why i hear a fuzz, when i change from relative mode to absolute mode, and why sometimes the sinc with vynil positiom dont work?

My set up id a numark turntable t 1601 a rme mulltiface and a techlink phono pre amp, and also a midi controller edirol pr30

What are the error metric readings?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:28 am
by dlpinkstah
Hello Tiago-

To start with, let's see if the Ms Pinky software is getting a proper signal from your turntable:

1) In the Maxi-Patch audio file player region, hit the "more" button. This brings up the view where you select vinyl control modes, etc. Here you should see two VU (audio level) meters that reflect the input signal from your turntable. What levels do you see? It could be that your signal coming in from the turntable is either too loud or too soft to allow proper decoding.

2) In this same view, what are the "Error Metric" values that you see when playing the Ms Pinky vinyl on your turntable in absolute mode? The values you see here reflect the signal quality coming into the Ms Pinky vinyl position demodulator. Ideally, the range of values you see displayed under "Error Metric" should be in the range [0.01 .... 0.3] (one part in a hundred up to 30 parts in 100). If the values you see under "Error metric" are consistently higher than about 0.3 (30 parts in 100) then there is something wrong with the signal that you have coming into the Ms Pinky software. In many cases, the problem is simply that you are either have the input levels set too high, or too low.

absolute mode

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:25 pm
by tiago23

I changed the imput levels and now it is okay but the error in relative mode is -1 and the error in absolute mode is 0,5333, also if i change to sinc with vynil position nothing works. Maybe the problem is from turntable or phono pre amp what I should do?

The Audio-Thru Test

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:35 pm
by dlpinkstah
Whenever you are in relative mode, the vinyl position demodulator is automatically turned off. And when it is turned off, it always puts out an error metric value of -1.

But when you are in absolute mode and the Ms Pinky vinyl is playing on your turntable and everything is connected correctly, you should see error metric values much lower than 0.53333. Did you read the number correctly???? Was it really 0.53333 or was it rather 0.053333

Sometimes it's easy to confuse the decimal point position, right?

But assuming that your error metric values are in fact in the range 0.533333, that is too high! Here is an easy test for you to figure out what is wrong with your setup. We call it the "Audio Thru" test:

In Maxi-Patch, in the audio file player region select "audio thru" from the popup menu. What can you hear? You should hear the Ms Pinky control signal coming through your system. Now put a normal music record on the turntable and play it. You should hear the music coming through the system and it should sound completely "normal", i.e. not too loud, not too soft, not distorted, with proper equalization, etc. etc... If the music from your normal music record playing through Maxi-Patch sounds in any way distorted or improper, then you have some problem in the physical setup of your system. Check all your connections. Check to make sure your cartridge and stylus are in good condition and CLEAN.

What kind of Cartridge/Stylus are you using?? We recommend high-output turntablist grade cartridge like the Shure M44-7.

Re: The Audio-Thru Test

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:29 pm
by zamrate
i got the same problem. my metric value is always in the range of 0.5 !! i've got an ortofon concorde and my records do sound really good in THRU mode. what could be the problem here? btw i use a u46dj.

Re: The Audio-Thru Test

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:50 pm
by Dan
zamrate wrote:i got the same problem. my metric value is always in the range of 0.5 !! i've got an ortofon concorde and my records do sound really good in THRU mode. what could be the problem here? btw i use a u46dj.
From what I've read (and experienced myself) the U46DJ phono inputs can often be too high from high-end cartridges.