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LiveOsc and The Bridge.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:10 am
by Mudo

Hi people,
Serato The Bridge is out and this is good new for us too!

Let me explain:
Ableton Live internal API (LiveApi) has some parts coded in python language. Parts like remote control surfaces or shocket communication.
Serato is sending info from its software into the LiveApi to control Ableton in remote way throught python bridge: The Bridge.

Obviously reversed enginereen is possible but illegal and unnecessary because we have LiveOsc!

LiveOsc is a set of remote scripts which communicate with LiveApi in the same way as the Bridge (is like open source bridge more or less) and full compatible with maxmsp or pure data (or wathever app which talks OSC)


we could start own implementation in maxipatch or maxforlive and call these LiveOsc functions to take control over the LiveApi (maforlive patch has some coded).


