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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:22 pm
by marleynoe
Hi everybody,

I was wondering, if anybody attempted to build one of these nice calibration-GUIs some of the commercial products offer in MaxMSP, like using scope-like graphical representations as in FS2, or the "scope-view" in Serato. (,

I tried using two scope~ objects for signal comparison of average amplitude and phase of the mspinky-vinyl-signal with sine oscillators (cycle~s), -not knowing the mspinky-signal... which is not quite the thing I want ...

maybe a way would be to have a "proper" clean recording of the mspinky-vinyl-signal in a loop (displayed in a scope~ as a steady circle or sth.), and overlaying this (comparing) with the actual mspinky-vinyl-signal input from the turntable (adc~s) in another color. (or just using two scope~s)... -> in a second step one could think of normalisation features (the computer could adjust the differences)...

any help or suggestions greatly appreciated... ;-)
