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Video In Max

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:02 am
by Johnsy
Hey Everyone,

sorry if I sound like a bit of an idiot here, but I'm kind of unsure about something.

I am about to build a patch in Max for Ms Pinky as a university project, and I want to be able to use full music videos and be able to scratch them, I know Ms Pinky does video playback, I have seen some of the vids, but it just seems to be snippets of video, so I was wondering can it handle full playback.

I was also wondering where would be a good starting point for creating a patch? are there any help files that show how to use the Pinky vinyl to control the playback of video?

Sorry if I'm a pain in the backside or missing the obvious, just new to the whole Max system and Ms Pinky.

Amazing hardware by the way!! Ive had a go already at making a basic audio patch.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:55 pm
by Johnsy
does anyone know where the replies to this thread went?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:10 pm
by dlpinkstah
Hi Johnsy,

What I would do to get some ideas about how to build a patch for scratching video with Ms Pinky vinyl it to look at the patches (provided on the Ms Pinky downloads page) that comprise the "Maxi-Patch" program. All of the patches that make up "Maxi-Patch" are there for you to review and edit to your liking. All you have to do is basically hook up the output (with some necessary conversions which you can spot in the patches) of the MPTCFS~ object to the patch.

P.S. I didn't delete the replies to this thread, if there were any.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:33 am
by Johnsy
Hey dlpinkstah,

cheers for getting back to me, ive been trying to work from the maxipatch files for about a week, Ive managed to get them all in a single patch and to tidy it up a bit, but it sure isnt for the faint hearted. the problem i'm having though is I don't seem to have any help files. I'm not sure if there are any but it makes trying to understand firstly the difference between MPTC~ MPFS~ etc quite difficult, but also what is actually coming out of the outlets and things like that. I'm not a seasoned Max MSP user so this may be due to inexperience, but I find that the starting point for the video side of mspinky is at the deepest end.

The absolute mode patch is great for explaining the basics of audio, I was just wondering if there is anything similar for video.

I am in massive awe to you for creating the maxi patch, that is intense.

