how do I sync audio files to quicktime with ms.pinky?

For topics related to using MsPinky inside the Max/MSP graphical programming environment
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Joined:Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:12 pm
how do I sync audio files to quicktime with ms.pinky?

Post by cubus » Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:21 am

its probably an easy thing, just a bit confused here.
When I play a quicktime movie without vinyl control the sound works fine, but when I turn on vinyl control there is no sound at all.
I demuxed the sound as wave files, but now I don't know how to get them to play in sync with the quicktime files.
I post my patch for better understanding.

Please please help. Tomorrow I have to have it working for my diploma presentation. I can't just copy it from the maxi patch because thats the only ms.pinky patch that crashes max. I tried it on three different computers, and I can't figure it out from the other patches. :?
Hope the composers won't kill me if it doesn't work :D

max v2;
#N vpatcher 30 85 1058 744;
#P origin -267 680;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P number 24 203 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 357 93 62 9109513 prepend read;
#P number 210 139 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 201 160 48 9109513 depth \$1;
#P newex 124 159 74 9109513 prepend prefix;
#P button 1 139 15 0;
#P newex 1 114 60 9109513 prepend set;
#P user dropfile 72 114 342 133 0 fold;
#P newex 124 141 54 9109513 route text;
#P user textedit 70 113 340 132 32896 139 9 E:/wavs/;
#P message 43 158 73 9109513 autopopulate 1;
#P user ubumenu 94 238 100 9109513 0 1 1 0;
#X add angie.wav;
#X add bike.wav;
#X add friedhof.wav;
#X add friedhof.wvf;
#X add songŸl.wav;
#X add super.wav;
#X prefix_set 0 1 E:/wavs/ 1;
#X pattrmode 1;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 12.;
#P window linecount 2;
#P comment 58 72 290 9109516 this one should sync the wavs to the movs. how do I connect it?;
#B color 1;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 896 386 192 9109513 pworlds @scale 1.6 0.9 1.;
#P message 941 263 37 9109513 window;
#P message 978 238 71 9109513 window pworlds;
#P toggle 1025 137 15 0;
#P message 1043 137 73 9109513 highquality \$1;
#P message 1211 162 23 9109513 720;
#P message 1175 160 28 9109513 1280;
#P message 802 363 68 9109513 fullscreen \$1;
#P toggle 785 363 15 0;
#P newex 827 338 35 9109513 sel 27;
#P newex 785 338 40 9109513 key;
#P newex 654 447 321 9109513 jit.window pworlds @rect 0 0 1280 720 @scale 1.6 1. 1. position 0. 0. \$1.84;
#P newex 1150 214 82 9109513 pak dim 1280 720;
#P number 384 272 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 860 195 40 9109513 gate 3;
#P button 839 221 15 0;
#P newex 858 242 47 9109513 random 5;
#P newex 646 292 62 9109513 prepend read;
#P number 571 222 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 562 243 48 9109513 depth \$1;
#P newex 485 242 74 9109513 prepend prefix;
#P button 362 222 15 0;
#P newex 362 197 60 9109513 prepend set;
#P user dropfile 433 197 703 216 0 fold;
#P newex 485 224 54 9109513 route text;
#P user textedit 431 196 701 215 32896 139 9 E:/final/;
#P message 404 241 73 9109513 autopopulate 1;
#P user ubumenu 455 321 100 9109513 0 1 1 0;
#X add "QT_FINALCUT_PRO_PAL_angiegerd";
#X add "QT_FINALCUT_PRO_PAL_bike";
#X add "QT_FINALCUT_PRO_PAL_friedhof";
#X add "QT_FINALCUT_PRO_PAL_songŸl";
#X add "QT_FINALCUT_PRO_PAL_supermarket";
#X prefix_set 0 1 E:/final/ 1;
#X pattrmode 1;
#P comment 418 179 289 9109513 drag and drop a folder on the textedit to populate the ubumenu!;
#P newex 1341 41 27 9109513 -;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 20.;
#P flonum 1197 31 105 20 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 156 179 255 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P newex 1332 -17 40 9109513 t f b f;
#P newex 1329 11 27 9109513 float;
#P flonum 826 78 42 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P flonum 883 79 39 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 875 109 27 9109513 * -1;
#P newex 846 13 27 9109513 + 1;
#P newex 846 -10 30 9109513 <0> 150;
#P toggle 1300 228 15 0;
#P newex 578 -522 45 9109513 loadbang;
#P button 1078 182 15 0;
#P newex 1081 209 45 9109513 metro 25;
#P number 1402 585 45 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 1402 284 50 9109513 %;
#P newex 1471 377 21 9109513 t 1;
#P newex 1402 377 21 9109513 t 0;
#P newex 1402 351 79 9109513 split 0 600;
#P newex 1402 330 24 9109513 abs;
#P newex 1315 253 27 9109513 gate;
#P newex 1402 307 50 9109513 -;
#P newex 1397 75 50 9109513 - 155.;
#P newex 1190 590 27 9109513 * 0.;
#P newex 1284 590 33 9109513 /;
#P message 1230 381 35 9109513 set \$1;
#P message 1089 325 50 9109513 frame \$1;
#P newex 1241 625 65 9109513 prepend max;
#P number 1163 328 49 9 0 77 3 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 1264 405 27 9109513 * 0.;
#P newex 1265 430 27 9109513 /;
#P newex 1315 624 60 9109513 prepend set;
#P newex 1347 145 27 9109513 gate;
#P message 1306 193 44 9109513 time \$1;
#P newex 1399 99 55 9109513 * 0.01161;
#P newex 1399 120 27 9109513 * 0.;
#P newex 945 506 407 9109513 route read duration framecount looppoints time fps moviedim timescale;
#P comment 1418 55 135 9109513 vinyl position signal in;
#B frgb 248 6 0;
#P window linecount 2;
#P comment 1269 548 203 9109513 calculate the framecount by mulitplying fps by (time/timescale);
#P window linecount 1;
#P comment 1293 429 100 9109513 divide by timescale;
#P comment 1292 407 100 9109513 time X fps;
#P message 1107 -115 50 9109513 rate \$1;
#P button 1083 233 15 0;
#P newex 1095 286 139 9109513 1024 748 @adapt 1;
#P message 302 -614 14 9109513 4;
#P newex 502 -51 107 9109513 prepend fat_resample;
#P toggle 502 -69 15 0;
#P comment 520 -67 117 9109513 turn on/off fat resample;
#P newex 502 -90 76 9109513 prepend looped;
#P toggle 502 -108 15 0;
#P newex 502 -129 80 9109513 prepend reverse;
#P toggle 502 -147 15 0;
#P newex 502 -167 83 9109513 prepend play_file;
#P toggle 502 -185 15 0;
#P newex 284 -461 112 9109513 prepend vinyl_control;
#P toggle 284 -479 15 0;
#P newex 283 -382 95 9109513 prepend audio_thru;
#P toggle 283 -400 15 0;
#P newex 283 -421 128 9109513 prepend file_position_out;
#P toggle 283 -438 14 0;
#P newex 284 -502 108 9109513 prepend vinyl_demod;
#P toggle 284 -520 15 0;
#P newex 284 -543 152 9109513 prepend absolute_mode_control;
#B color 12;
#P toggle 285 -570 25 0;
#P newex 284 -593 136 9109513 prepend control_generation;
#P newex 818 -409 33 9109513 / 50.;
#P flonum 818 -390 35 9 0. 10. 3 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P user uslider 896 -472 13 44 101 1 0 0;
#P window linecount 3;
#P comment 914 -469 100 9109513 sets the pitch of playback \, 1. = no pitch adjustment;
#P window linecount 1;
#P comment 304 -518 207 9109513 turn on/off vinyl control signal demodulator;
#P message 1171 -595 14 9109513 1;
#P newex 1171 -616 45 9109513 loadbang;
#N vpreset 1;
#P preset 1171 -574 47 27;
#P user ezdac~ 289 5 333 38 0;
#P comment 286 -10 74 9109513 DSP ON/OFF;
#P message 329 -81 27 9109513 read;
#P window linecount 4;
#P comment 282 -142 71 9109513 Select a .WAV \, .AIFF \, or .mp3 audio file to play..;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 356 -45 74 9109513 s file_settings;
#P comment 520 -145 100 9109513 plays file in reverse;
#P newex 477 -379 74 9109513 r file_settings;
#P comment 301 -478 148 9109513 turn on/off vinyl control of file;
#P newex 809 -481 33 9109513 / 10.;
#P flonum 809 -462 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P user uslider 810 -544 13 44 200 1 -100 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 12.;
#P window linecount 2;
#P message 502 -24 88 9109516 query vinyl_position;
#B color 4;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 6;
#P comment 973 -618 184 9109513 Cutoff Sharpness: sets how quickly the dropout occurs when signal falls below the Sig Power Thresh setting. A value of approx. 1. provides reasonably smooth sounding dropout when record speed is very low.;
#P window linecount 5;
#P comment 750 -613 202 9109513 Sig Power Thresh (dB): adjust according to the level of the signal from your turntable. Above a certain point \, notice how playback volume drops. Set this control to about 6 dB below the level at which dropout occurs.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 956 -539 32 9109513 / 20.;
#P flonum 991 -539 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P user uslider 956 -603 13 44 100 1 1 0;
#P flonum 704 -498 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P user uslider 734 -609 13 41 61 1 -60 0;
#P comment 321 -611 316 9109513 set the generation number of the Ms Pinky control signal in use: 1-5.;
#P window linecount 2;
#P comment 311 -572 397 9109513 absolute_mode_control 1: both absolute and relative position information is calculated \, 0: only relative position information (signed velocity & power) is calculated;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 36.;
#P user number~ 1103 -78 1401 -33 36 139 3 2 0. 0. 0 0. 250 0. 0 0 0 255 189 156 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 14.;
#P user number~ 985 -350 1090 -331 14 139 3 2 0. 0. 0 0. 250 0. 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 36.;
#P user number~ 1107 -166 1371 -121 36 139 3 2 0. 0. 0 0. 250 0. 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 314 -353 45 9109513 loadbang;
#P message 314 -333 17 9109513 1.;
#P user number~ 314 -314 353 -299 9 139 1 1 0. 0. 0 1. 250 0. 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 368 -115 48 9109513 dac~ 1 2;
#P newex 406 -141 27 9109513 *~;
#P newex 368 -141 27 9109513 *~;
#P user gain~ 315 -287 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.;
#P newex 390 -380 72 9109513 adc~ 1 2;
#P newex 367 -313 336 9109513 MPTCFS~;
#P window linecount 4;
#P comment 827 -544 100 9109513 sets the rate of playback for when the file is playing without vinyl control;
#P window linecount 1;
#P comment 299 -437 283 9109513 output the current file play position instead of vinyl position;
#P comment 300 -399 162 9109513 turn on/off audio input monitoring;
#P comment 520 -184 114 9109513 start/stop file playback;
#P comment 520 -106 109 9109513 turn on/off file looping;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 12.;
#P window linecount 3;
#P comment 1417 -86 120 9109516 position signal stamp Side A 1 Side B 65536;
#B color 1;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P comment 901 135 100 9109513 If signal differs more than 150 --> bang 1 (if needle is skipped);
#P fasten 149 0 150 0 77 135 63 135 63 110 6 110;
#P connect 150 0 151 0;
#P connect 130 0 156 0;
#P fasten 150 0 147 0 6 135 63 135 63 110 75 110;
#P fasten 151 0 147 0 6 158 63 158 63 111 75 111;
#P fasten 153 0 145 0 206 180 99 180;
#P connect 146 0 145 0;
#P fasten 152 0 145 0 129 180 99 180;
#P connect 156 0 145 0;
#P fasten 147 0 148 0 75 135 129 135;
#P connect 148 0 152 0;
#P connect 154 0 153 0;
#P connect 53 0 54 0;
#P connect 55 0 56 0;
#P connect 68 0 48 0;
#P connect 49 0 50 0;
#P connect 51 0 52 0;
#P connect 57 0 58 0;
#P connect 101 0 49 0;
#P connect 101 0 68 0;
#P connect 15 0 14 0;
#P connect 14 0 13 0;
#P connect 13 0 9 0;
#P connect 28 0 35 0;
#P connect 37 0 35 0;
#P connect 62 0 35 0;
#P connect 64 0 35 0;
#P connect 67 0 35 0;
#P connect 60 0 35 0;
#P connect 145 1 155 0;
#P fasten 120 0 121 0 438 218 424 218 424 193 367 193;
#P connect 121 0 122 0;
#P connect 33 0 7 0;
#P connect 8 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 48 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 50 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 52 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 58 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 54 0 7 0;
#P hidden connect 56 0 7 0;
#P connect 7 0 10 0;
#P connect 10 0 12 0;
#P connect 127 0 130 0;
#P connect 9 0 10 1;
#P connect 7 1 11 0;
#P connect 11 0 12 1;
#P connect 9 0 11 1;
#P fasten 122 0 118 0 367 241 424 241 424 194 436 194;
#P fasten 121 0 118 0 367 218 424 218 424 193 436 193;
#P connect 8 1 7 1;
#P connect 130 0 116 0;
#P fasten 123 0 116 0 490 263 460 263;
#P connect 117 0 116 0;
#P fasten 124 0 116 0 567 263 460 263;
#P fasten 118 0 119 0 436 218 490 218;
#P connect 119 0 123 0;
#P connect 22 0 7 2;
#P connect 101 0 59 0;
#P connect 59 0 60 0;
#P connect 61 0 62 0;
#P connect 101 0 63 0;
#P connect 63 0 64 0;
#P connect 66 0 67 0;
#P connect 24 0 7 3;
#P connect 125 0 124 0;
#P connect 30 0 7 4;
#P connect 116 1 126 0;
#P connect 69 0 132 0;
#P connect 136 0 132 0;
#P connect 46 0 7 5;
#P connect 21 0 22 0;
#P fasten 134 0 135 0 832 360 790 360;
#P fasten 135 0 136 0 801 378 801 363;
#P connect 29 0 31 0;
#P connect 31 0 30 0;
#P connect 45 0 47 0;
#P connect 47 0 46 0;
#P connect 105 0 110 0;
#P connect 103 0 104 0;
#P fasten 133 0 134 0 826 355 826 340;
#P connect 108 0 103 0;
#P connect 105 0 103 0;
#P connect 129 0 128 0;
#P connect 113 0 106 0;
#P connect 106 0 107 0;
#P connect 107 0 105 0;
#P connect 128 0 127 0;
#P connect 104 0 129 0;
#P connect 105 1 108 0;
#P connect 113 0 105 1;
#P connect 105 1 109 0;
#P connect 104 0 129 1;
#P connect 69 1 76 0;
#P connect 23 0 25 0;
#P connect 7 3 17 0;
#P connect 25 0 24 0;
#P connect 140 0 139 0;
#P connect 101 0 100 0;
#P connect 100 0 99 0;
#P connect 99 0 70 0;
#P hidden connect 84 0 86 0;
#P connect 126 0 69 0;
#P connect 142 0 69 0;
#P connect 141 0 69 0;
#P connect 139 0 69 0;
#P connect 131 0 69 0;
#P connect 70 0 69 0;
#P connect 86 0 69 0;
#P connect 79 0 69 0;
#P connect 71 0 69 0;
#P connect 7 4 18 0;
#P connect 7 2 16 0;
#P connect 16 1 71 0;
#P hidden connect 87 0 84 0;
#P hidden connect 85 0 84 0;
#P connect 41 0 42 0;
#P connect 42 0 40 0;
#P connect 137 0 131 1;
#P connect 76 1 89 0;
#P connect 114 0 113 0;
#P connect 76 5 89 1;
#P connect 138 0 131 2;
#P connect 82 0 87 0;
#P connect 88 0 85 0;
#P connect 76 4 83 0;
#P connect 83 0 82 0;
#P connect 76 5 83 1;
#P connect 76 7 82 1;
#P connect 89 0 88 0;
#P connect 101 0 102 0;
#P connect 80 0 79 0;
#P connect 76 7 88 1;
#P connect 102 0 92 0;
#P connect 88 0 81 0;
#P connect 112 1 111 0;
#P connect 18 1 112 0;
#P connect 77 0 92 1;
#P connect 112 2 114 0;
#P connect 112 0 111 1;
#P connect 96 0 80 0;
#P connect 95 0 80 0;
#P connect 111 0 114 1;
#P connect 77 0 80 1;
#P connect 18 1 90 0;
#P connect 90 0 78 0;
#P connect 78 0 77 0;
#P connect 92 0 97 0;
#P connect 97 0 91 0;
#P connect 91 0 93 0;
#P connect 93 0 94 0;
#P connect 94 0 95 0;
#P connect 81 0 98 0;
#P hidden connect 76 7 77 1;
#P connect 76 1 97 1;
#P connect 76 4 91 1;
#P connect 76 7 94 2;
#P connect 94 1 96 0;
#P pop;
Joined:Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:51 pm

Post by buzkin » Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:39 am

Post Reply