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Ms Pinky and Max4Live...Q&A?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:12 am
by JuanSOLO
I didn't see a thread about this so I figured I would start one.

I finally got the Max4Live device working. But I am missing a couple things.

1. my waveforms are not in the display.


It looks like some of the buttons are missing their icons too?

Any help would be awesome!

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:46 am
by JuanSOLO
OK I got the wavform to show via SHIFT click.

Any ideas on how to make a midicontrollable browser?

I wanna scroll for tracks using a knob and load them with a button.

Is that possible to create using M4L, with the pinky device?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:32 am
by dlpinkstah
(I added a little ultra-quick-start posting at the end)

Your transport buttons don't display correctly because you did not install the javascript files that they rely on. These are contained in the subfolder called "javascript" that is inside the Maxi-Patch patches folder. Copy it into your Max/MSP patches folder (inside the Max/MSP application folder). As I said, you need to copy EVERYTHING in the patches folder that you downloaded into the Max/MSP "patches" folder.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:38 am
by JuanSOLO
I did put the MaxiPatch folder inside my Max patches folder.

Do I just need to put the contents of the folder inside the patches folder, or the folder itself? Does it matter?? Seems like it does?

Here's what I am looking at...

Inside the Cycling 74 Folder there is a java folder and a jsui-library folder. I tried putting the Javascript Folder that was in the MaxiPatch in each one of these folders

In the patches folder there is no java stuff??? However I tried putting the Javascript Folder that was in the MaxiPatch in there too.

I did find out that the "MsPinky_M4L_AudioFX.amxd" belongs in a completely different place than the Max5 folder. It actually belongs in a folder under Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/Audio Effects/Max Audio Effect.

Thanks for trying to help. The directions I got here

Might have been easy, but not completely correct. It says "copy the entire Ms Pinky's "patches" folder into the "patches" folder in your Max/MSP/Max-4-Live application folder. That should pretty much take care of it." So far I have tried that and then anything else I could think of and I am still not getting the java folder where it needs to go.