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Ms. Pinky M4L Patch - Revised!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:55 am
by mastahlee
1/22/10 EDIT: New Version released! Lots of good stuff with this one, check out my post about it here.

EDIT: Updated to work with Live Session clips! Check my second post below for details

I am starting a personal project to add some features to the Ms. Pinky M4L patch, and before starting I noticed that the patch itself is a little hard to read. Take a look:


A bit of a rat's nest, right? So in order to better understand how the patch itself works and to make things easier on myself, I decided to go through and clean up the patch and make it more readable. I went through and cleaned up everything and came out with this:


Ahh, much better. I'm posting this to let my anal-retentiveness for straight lines be your gain! I've uploaded my revised patch for anyone to grab. Beyond moving stuff around and hitting Command-Y a couple million times, I did a few other things as well:

- Removed a few instances of duplicate code
- Replaced all the javascript transport buttons with native M4L buttons, which makes them midi-mappable and removes the Pinky .js dependencies to make installation a little easier.

Beyond that, though, this version is functionally 100% the same. Hope this helps people who are working on the M4L patch.

Download Ms. Pinky Revised

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:08 am
by dlpinkstah
Excellent work!! :D
Now I need to add loop points-- hopefully coming soon.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:09 pm
by Mudo


If I post features we could work on them?


Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:04 am
by mastahlee

I've hacked together some much-requested functionality: scratching Live Session clips (sort of)!


Due to limitations in the LiveAPI I've had to do a bit of a kludge, but the effect is essentially the same. Put audio files into the clipslots of the parent track, hit refresh on the Ms. Pinky Clip Browser (the thing to the right of the waveforms), and it'll populate with all the clips in the track. Click the name of a clip (or assign a key, yes, it is key and MIDI mappable!) and start scratching!

So how did I get around the limitation of no access to absolute paths of clips? Well, to be honest, I didn't. This hack will require you to add the folder of your audio files to the Max 5 path. Kinda a bummer, but it really isn't that bad. Just click on the "ms. pinky help" button at the bottom right of the patch and follow the instructions and you should be all set. As long as you keep all the audio files you want to scratch organized under one parent folder (they can be in subfolders), the effect is really the same.

Oh, and in case you were worried, the old drag-and-drop load method still works, too.

So give it a download and let me know what you think! I'm thinking I might make an alternative version that works by hitting the play button on the clips on the track, but I've got to get through Christmas first before deciding to work on it.

Download Ms. Pinky Revised

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:05 am
by graviton
working great, excellent work.

I'm curious as to how your using this? simply to just add sample after sample and scratch them up? Is there a transition method you use?

I need to use Ms. Pinky in a live situation so I'd really like to dream up a solution for this one day:

In Ms. Pinky VST, if I switched from "Vinyl Control" to no "Vinyl control", and my pitch on the turntable was not at 0, it would pickup the tempo being played.

In the MFL version, the tempo reverts back to normal.

This is for example handy, for using one deck to control multiple instances of Ms. Pinky...

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:35 am
by Mudo

Really cool!

What about audio in from any source to a "ram buffer" virtual clip (bpm synced)?

Like Reaktor Beatlookup...



Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:56 pm
by Mudo

About pitching... there is the reason why Stanton SCS.1d has motorized pitch fader... It could be possible do it by software... but it could be possible do it by hardware too...

Stay tuned!


PS: Scott it could be possible make the "vinyl colour" customizable? And link to clip colour? It could be useful for fast recognition about what is the clip active...


Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:39 am
by Mudo

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:15 pm
by R.J.Dubya
Just out of curiosity, could the Max for Live Ms.Pinky device not be frozen, thus making it self-contained with all externals it needs?

I'm just referring to the post above somewhere that said it needs to download a bunch of externals to work. I'm new to this whole MaxMsp thing, so I'm just seeing what I'm missing.


edit: Sorry, I'm in the wrong post!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:52 pm
by JuanSOLO
To me this is more like midi mappable file browsing than it is Clip Scratching. AND THATS GREAT!!! This device really needed something like this, THANKS!

I guess if you could somehow launch the clips in Ableton and that activated the clips in the Pinky Patch it would "Sort of" be more like scratching clips. Especially if it updated the 1-10 11-20 and so on.

However I'm not even sure I would care if it did that, or had cue points, fx etc.

With this browsing technique I think its simple and getting close to perfect. It's like a modular scratching component for Ableton. If I wanted cue points I could just cut my tracks where I need them in Ableton. FX?, Ableton and M4L.

For those reading this out of curiosity from other sites, this M4L Pinky device just got much better! The browser thingy in Ms Pinky is completely mappable and works like clip launching with no quantizing. So if you were into that cue point kind of mashing all you need to do is cut each track where you want it to begin and load them into the Folder the patch uses to read files, map your buttons to the tracks or "cues" and mash it up! and of course scratch.

WAY cool guys, thanks for the UPDATE!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:56 pm
by JuanSOLO

Didn't seem to work for me. The idea seems useful.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:48 pm
by Mudo

And this one?


Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:44 pm
by JuanSOLO
Mudo wrote:...

And this one?

Now I'm confused? Are you asking if these sites are useful?

If so, yes they are!

Previously I thought you were asking if the ClipMapper device was useful?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:04 pm
by Mudo
JuanSOLO wrote:
Mudo wrote:...

And this one?

Now I'm confused? Are you asking if these sites are useful?

If so, yes they are!

Previously I thought you were asking if the ClipMapper device was useful?

It was ;)

If you check the videotutorials you will notice there are a few about clip control and so on...

I don't have maxforlive yet and I try to help with my resource research skills!



Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:14 pm
by mastahlee

I have a new version of the Ms. Pinky Revised patch released, and it has some cool new features. I made a quick video screencast demonstrating it. Check it out:

New Features:

- Select any Live track to use. There is now a drop down menu that allows you to select any track in your Live set to be used, regardless of which track the Ms. Pinky patch is on.

- You now load clips into Ms. Pinky just by playing their respective session clips. This is a much more intuitive interface than what I had before, and makes it feel more integrated into the Live workflow.

- One other great feature, but you'll have to watch the video to find out!

Download Ms. Pinky Revised