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Looping question

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:57 am
by SD_BaLLaH
Can you please instruct me how to loop a sample? I cannot figure it out. thanks.

user the "options" popup in the file play view

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:04 am
by dlpinkstah
When you open any audio file in Binky Toy, including short "samples" stored in audio files, you will be given an audio file control view under either Group1 Files, or Group2 Files, where you will have the file's waveform view, it's FX Mixer view, and several other controls for the file's playback and processing. To make the file (the "sample") play in looped fashion, just use the little "options" popup menu in the file play view.... select "looped" from that menu and it should work.