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Maxi-Patch 3.6.2 (OSX + WinXP): Pinky Pitch!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:32 am
by dlpinkstah
Pinky Pitch, aka Velocity Signal Warping, has finally arrived. After many requests for this feature, we've finally taken the first step towards fully integrating it. What is Pinky Pitch, aka Velocity Signal Warping? This is a feature new to version 3.6.2 that allows the user to select non-linear mappings between the actual measured velocity of the turntable (or CDJ)and the playback rate of the file that is being controlled. To access "Pinky Pitch" settings go to the audio file player region and hit the "more" button. This brings you to the view where you make adjustments for the vinyl control signal demodulator. In the bottom lefthand corner of this view you'll see the settings for Pinky Pitch. The horizontal slider selects your warping factor. Note that setting warping factor = 1.0 is equivalent to turning warping OFF. Warping factors greater than 1.0 give you the effect of exaggerating the velocity deviations of your scratches. So for example, if you set warping factor = 2.0 and you set the pitch control on your turntable to -10%, you will see that the file actually plays at -19% pitch. Similar exaggeration of the pitch deviations apply when you set the pitch on your turntable to positive values. With warping factors greater than 1.0 you'll notice that your rapid backspins become REALLY fast... and when you slow the record down... it goes REALLY slow. On the other hand, choosing a warp factor of less than 1.0 has the effect of minimizing the velocity deviations of your scratching. As warp factor approaches zero, the actual playback pitch approaches a constant 0.0 % pitch offset (velocity = 1.0). You'll observe that scratching back and forth with the vinyl just translates to alternating the direction of playback, but with a constant 0.0% pitch offset.

You can engage and disengage Pinky Pitch with the little toggle button just above and to the right of the warp factor slider.

The actual math function that is used to do the warping is our good old friend THE EXPONENT. That's right, peoples, when you move that warp factor slider you're actually raising each velocity signal value to that power. So

Warped Velocity = (actual turntable velocity) ^ (warp factor)

Very simple, very powerful. It's also very nice because when the pitch offset is 0 (velocity = 1.0) you always get back 1.0 regardless of warp factor. So setting your turntable pitch to 0.0 will always give you back a pitch offset of 0. But when you move away from pitch = 0.0, watch out. Things get crazy.

There are, of course, other ways to map the actual turntable velocity to file playback pitch, and these will be explored in future versions. For now, we hope you enjoy this first incarnation of Pinky Pitch! :lol:



P.S. Version 3.6.2 also includes a very important bug fix for MP3 file looping!

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:38 am
by sec-def
Does this affect the midi capabilitys as well?