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new audio interface

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:14 am
by drox
Hi guys,

I just stumbled on this new beringher firewire audio interface F-CONTROL AUDIO FCA202

.... Its cheap $159.99 AUD and is compact. Im thinking of buying it as a "djing" interface because I dont want to lug around my trusty motu 828 classic to gigs (and pull apart the whole studio) I know of the U46DJ but have already taken the plunge and bought some of the beringher preamps (that I pick up today) So those along with the F-CONTROL AUDIO FCA202 will actually work out cheaper than the U46DJ in my part of the world anyways....

My question is has anyone had any experience with this interface? is it stable on osx 10.4.6 running binkytoy or maxi patch? Are there any other cheap alternatives??

My hat goes off to the ms pinky team for creating such a forward thinking product.. I am super exited about the possibilities thanks you!!!!



Only 2 ins, 2 outs??

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:25 am
by dlpinkstah
Maybe I'm missing something, but this box only has 2 ins/2 outs? You're aware that you could only use that for (1) single turntable, right? I guess you could (under OSX Tiger) create an Aggregate Device between the Behringer and your computer's built-in audio and thereby garner (4) ins and (4) outs.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:05 am
by drox

I didnt even think of that :) my bad.......