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No luck with M4L or Pluggo

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:13 pm
by gmix
I've been having issues with Ms. Pinky for a while now. Here's my setup/signal path:

macbook pro OS 10.5.7, 4GB ram

Technics M3D -> ArtDeejay Pro pre-amp -> M-audio Profire 2626 mixer channel 5 -> Live audio track with either M4L patch or pluggo loaded.

So I get the signal coming in atleast 50-75% strength into the live track. When I play the signal through (with the devices turned off, the signal is loud and clear) I can't get anything at all happening out of the M4L patch (the waveform object won't even show the sample when I drag it on top. The name shows up alright but no representation of the waveform). I can get a sound loaded into the Pluggo, and sometimes I actually hear sound. But the little black dot on the record always wigs out completely when I have it in absolute mode, and when I take that off, I am able to control the audio with the vinyl, but even with forward and backward movements make the track will only play in the forward direction. I don't know how to upload them here to the forum, but I have a couple screen shots of the pluggo vinyl/cd control tab (basically the error metric seems frozen at -1.00, and the vinyl position always jitters in the same range no matter where I have the needle on the record). What should I do? I have dragged all three folders (max externals, msp externals and patches-OSX) into their appropriate folders in the Cycling 74 folder.

One other thing I have also noticed is that when I try to open the help file for uiwaveform it is non-existent. Did I install everything right?


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:04 pm
by dlpinkstah
First of all there is no more PLUGGO. As many posts on this forum have noted, and as this page clearly states:

PLUGGO has been discontinued by Cycling-'74. So when you say you're using PLUGGO I have to wonder why? I'm guessing you're actually using the Pinky VST but mistakenly referring to it as PLUGGO. Please clarify.

Secondly-- you're not giving Ms Pinky what she needs most of all--- a good, clean, TRUE STEREO signal from the turntable. The problems you describe are the classic ailments experienced by those who fail to provide Ms Pinky with a TRUE STEREO signal. It doesn't matter how "loud and clear" the signal is, if it isn't TRUE STEREO it won't work. Apparently you're mixing down the signal from the turntable to mono at some point (either in software or in the hardware device you're using), or the audio channels on which you're instantiating the plugins are MONO channels. Make sure the entire signal chain is STEREO. This includes going into Ableton audio prefs. and DISABLING MONO INPUTS.

Thirdly-- did you read this thread all the way through?

As it says in the step-by-step instructions (scroll down....) for getting started using the M4L device, you have to shift-click on the waveform display to get it to calculate the waveform data the first time you load a file. This will most likely be changed in an upcoming version so that waveform data is automatically calculated.