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New MAX/MSP user. Need help getting started.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:51 pm
by Jim ZX12r
Hi Guys, I've not long had MAX/MSP 5 on my mac and I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of it all but havent yet made anything of great use. I was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction to find a free download of a multi efects patch that I could plug my guitar into and play around with so that I can see how its done. or if anybody would mind sending me a patch that I could look at. I'm not looing for anything to advanced and any instructions as to what things in the patch do would be greatly apriciated.

Thanks for any help in advanced.

New MAX/MSP user. Need help getting started.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:37 pm
by professor_calculus

The cycling74 page has a few great tutorials on processing your guitar with MaxMSP. Those tutorials really helped me learn the ins and outs of Max, along with what I was working on in school.

The tutorials are under Learn>Tutorials, and there is one older tutorial and another 5 part series of tutorials.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:38 pm
by professor_calculus
Older tutorial: ... tar-vol-1/

Guitar processing series: ... or-part-1/

I hope that gets you started. The tutorials that come with Max are pretty good, and you should definitely go through those too, but the above tutorials will jump straight to guitar processing.
