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Support for AAC

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:29 am
by taggalucci
This has been a bugbear of mine for a while, this constant need to convert AAC files to mp3 so I can play them in Maxi Patch.

Prior to life without MsPinky I made the now fatal choice of using AAC as my preferred format when importing CDs into iTunes (of course I don't do this anymore - although I'd like to because I prefer AAC). So I have a lot (2600+) tracks which would require conversion to mp3 (just so I can use them in Maxi Patch).

So I have converted some selectively, as and when I need them. Now I have an iTunes library with 2 of each of these. So my iPod had been synching both the AAC and the mp3, until I recently deselected 1 of each of them.

My point is that this isn't very helpful, and I'd appreciate the opportunity to be able to play my music without having to convert all the time, double up on each of these files and have all that extra hassle with iTunes and the iPod.

I'd also prefer not to have to change my vinyl emulation software to something like PCDJ Reflex (which does support AAC) because I would prefer to continue supporting the use and development of Ms Pinky.