Hello community, this message is to everybody who loves turntablism and can program MAXMSP: I need your help.
I want to create an application using our little Darling (Ms. P) and the idea show as link.
If you has seen the film "Scratch the movie" you must saw the TTM (turntablism Transcription Method) by John Carluccio.
I'm very happy if anyone (with all my possible help) develope and aplication which can do:
the same visualization but in sequencer view (like ttm)
Put these mathematical values on a pattern/file (*.ttm)
all more features you can imagine... sampler, beatmatching (for beatjugglin).. videogames (for learning)
anybody caught my idea?
I know it can be possible and it isn't much work... please help me (and list my name when you get rich... xD)
It is a little step fot an human but a great steo for the humanity (literal transcrition from the spanish ol»)
let's talk about it again...
PD: if you done a search in a forum treaths you must see that the audiomidi crossfader idea has nowadays an one year more or less.. and now is ttm57sl and mackie on the market... ;,(
...Visual Scratch...
Mudo means mute person.
Researching new interface paradigms
Mudo means mute person.
Researching new interface paradigms
I just saw that visual scratch movie clip minutes ago on youtube.com.really amazed me. Even though I have not the slightest idea of how to combine Max/Msp + Mspinky + processing alltogether and make it work but i'm gonna start spending my free time learning what is max/msp + processing is all about.
are there any tutorials or websites that teaches these two languages?
are there any tutorials or websites that teaches these two languages?
Hi Mudo
You can download a 30-day demo of Max/MSP/Jitter and a huge array of tutorial patches with accompanying PDF files. The tutorials are a snap.
Also, the patch editor interface in Max provides easy learning of new objects. Just hold "option" when clicking on any object to get a helper window that you can copy and paste out of. Even if you cannot remember the names of all the objects, it's easy to figure out.
Some useful links:
http://www.cycling74.com/twiki/bin/view ... umentation
If you manage to figure out the basics of Processing, you can link it to Max in many ways. Visual Scratch, linked above, uses a UDP connection over the network via the Maxlink libraries. There are probably many other hacks.
You can download a 30-day demo of Max/MSP/Jitter and a huge array of tutorial patches with accompanying PDF files. The tutorials are a snap.
Also, the patch editor interface in Max provides easy learning of new objects. Just hold "option" when clicking on any object to get a helper window that you can copy and paste out of. Even if you cannot remember the names of all the objects, it's easy to figure out.
Some useful links:
http://www.cycling74.com/twiki/bin/view ... umentation
If you manage to figure out the basics of Processing, you can link it to Max in many ways. Visual Scratch, linked above, uses a UDP connection over the network via the Maxlink libraries. There are probably many other hacks.
Thanks Elwood may be your post go to Tracedj
I'm now working on audiomidi DIY mixer and I have some expects...
Why not we create a MaxMsp+processing work group?
Guys, please contact on me directly and trought this forum for everything you want!!! I'm very nice with all of you I promise you
Keep on flowing...
Thanks Elwood may be your post go to Tracedj

I'm now working on audiomidi DIY mixer and I have some expects...
Why not we create a MaxMsp+processing work group?
Guys, please contact on me directly and trought this forum for everything you want!!! I'm very nice with all of you I promise you

Keep on flowing...
Mudo means mute person.
Researching new interface paradigms
Mudo means mute person.
Researching new interface paradigms
If the Ms. Pinky forums had a regular Max/MSP forum, I would hope to see all posts directly pertaining to usage of Ms. Pinky. There is already a longstanding Cycling 74 forum and mailing list that has a wealth of information so large that this forum could never compete:
- Posts:9
- Joined:Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:00 pm
i have been working on something similar for over one year. a software company has devoted 3 guys full time plus my input and guidance to build this app.
it has just recently become available as a beta test application. this application allows you to draw notation and hit a play button and the software plays the scratches. you can print your scratches like printed sheet music. you can apply any sample to the notation. you can email and share scratches. hopefully soon you will be able to draw with ms pinky.
if anyone is interested in demo-ing a beta version of this app please let me know.
i have been working on something similar for over one year. a software company has devoted 3 guys full time plus my input and guidance to build this app.
it has just recently become available as a beta test application. this application allows you to draw notation and hit a play button and the software plays the scratches. you can print your scratches like printed sheet music. you can apply any sample to the notation. you can email and share scratches. hopefully soon you will be able to draw with ms pinky.
if anyone is interested in demo-ing a beta version of this app please let me know.